IT’S GOING DOWN… IN THE STANDS!!: Has Halftime Taken A Backseat To The Gym Battle, Zero Quarter, And The 5th?

fieldMaybe I’m just bugging… but everything just seems a little “off” this year

2018 MARCHING SEASON – WEEK ONE: It’s Still Early… But Laawd!

HomecomingGameEntranceAs most bands are just climbing out of pre-drill and some have still yet to play their first games, the 2018 marching season has been officially “kicked off”. To say it was an eventful start would be an understatement!

WHO’S THE KING OF R&B?!: 5 Ballads Finessed… But Who’s The Best?

standpic1There’s nothing I like to hear more than a band playing the skin off of a good ballad.

BAND STORIES: What Lead You To Join A College Band?

bellIt was a magical moment. One of the few times I got goosebumps from a marching band arrangement. I was sold. I knew it at that moment.

SCORING AND ARRANGING: The Brandon Hopkins Sound!

Brandon3“Let your work speak for you and find ways to become better at the craft. Remain humble and always remember why you do what you do.”

THE S.C. STATE UNIVERSITY MARCHING 101: Who Can Wake The Sleeping Giant?

633318450130790876_Marching 101Though the current status of the band program is a big question mark, it was not always like this.

ON THE YARD: With Mr. Warren Shaw And The CAU Spring Band Brawl

band brawl This week we are featuring a story from what some describe as the band capitol of the south… Atlanta, Georgia.

EXCERPTS FROM “THE MAN BEHIND THE BATON” BY DR. WILLIAM P. FOSTER: Excerpt Ten – “Slowing Down But Still Pushing Forward”

foster 96In this excerpt Dr Foster discusses tools he used to recruit for the Marching 100 and how successful these efforts proved to be over the years. He also mentions the talents of his very qualified staff and how their hard work and dedicated assistance made it possible for him to announce his retirement as Chair of the Department of Music and Director of Bands at Florida A&M University in 1998.